Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wed July 29 Spanish ON

Today would have been a perfect day to do 200 km but I was sightseeing so I got nowhere close to that. Woke up to the sound of rain on the tent but it was obvious that it was only a very light shower lasting a couple of minutes. Enough to wet the tent fly but everything else like the picnic table was dry because it was covered by the cedars I camped under. Took my time getting going so much so that I think I was the last of 5 to leave. Had a good wind at my back and the clouds with dark bottoms kept the occasional sun from overheating me. Talked to a couple of young Quebec guys with guitars etc that sold their cars, quit their jobs and were moving to the Rockies or Vancouver for the winter. Ahhh youth. Found the smoked fish place that Beth raved about. It is about 3 days away form where she said it was :) The guy was in the middle of a batch with some white fish ready to come out. Listened to his opinion on everything that's wrong with the world then took two whole fish still warm and strapped them to the bike. I stopped at a picnic area/ hiking area at Serpent River a short time later where the river has a few rapids, drop offs and steep corners. I was thinking a bear smelling the smoked fish could have had me cornered pretty easily. Ate one fish for dinner, it was mmmarvelous. Will try to hang the second one away from the raccoons and have it tomorrow. Stopped at Spanish a little after 4:00 pm because I didn't want to make it a rushed evening. The campground is about 1 km from town/ Hwy. It was kind of a sketchy area, the place is a cheap marina, repair yard with RVs, cottages slipping off their foundations and a large patch of grass for tenters. Washrooms, showers are clean and they only charged me $7.00 !! Looks like I will get to North Bay midday Friday without any trouble. Blake and Don will be there too.

OD 4465.7 km, 5:25:13, 127.14 km, 23.4 ave, 50.9 max

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