Sunday June 28
Last night I awoke to the sound of rain on the tent! Here in Princeton? Got up moved paniers into the tent then looked up to the sky and I could see stars and just a few patches of clouds. I shouldn't have bothered getting up. I think I was second up. A fellow from Colorado left ~5:30 am. I was on my way at 7:45 (a trend?) and I could see it was going to be a hot one. Fast down hill ride to Kerameos. My average speed was over 26 km/hr. Stopped at a Dutch food store (Lana you would love it) It was a fruit stand but the ~90 year old women who owned it said she couldn't compete against the other fruit stands so now she sells Dutch food. Sign said coffee and apple pie $2.50. I asked for coffee, noting the home type machine wasn't even on, so the son-in-law put on a pot while I browsed around. R poured herslf a up too and sat down with me. I could have stayed all day. She had had a tough life but was one of the happiest people I've ever met. (I'll leave personal details out of this blog and some names too) I finally pulled myself away and while putting on my cycling gear she was telling customers what I was doing so they were coming out to talk to me. Then on to Osoyoos ( I will correct place name spellings in September) I knew I would see Ironman cyclist and sure enough did see about 2 dozen. The best part was I had the wind in my favour around Crawston so I was loaded up, doing 40 km/hr, witha big wave while they struggled in their tribars. That changed as I started climbing Ritchter Pass. Came down to fancy InfoCentre, met two cyclist that flew to Vancouver and were heading back to Montreal. InfoCentre pointed out camping areas and recommended Ningkumpoop. I went in, they said $39.00 plus tax !!I looked around at all the p/u trucks, trailers and dust and rode right out. I wanted to stay near town so I went to the east side of the lake and found a place that looked satisfactory. As I pulled up to the office and hadn't even found a place to lean my bike a fellow about my age came over to talk. I asked if he was the owner and he said yes. We chatted for a while about favourite bike rides, races, IMC etc. He didn't race because he didn't like swimming (rather be scuba diving he said). He gave me a great deal on a nice little patch of cool grass. Thanks, G.
OD 404.8, 5:14:37, 123.15 km, 23.4km/hr ave, max 58.3
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