Tuesday July 21 Upsala ON
Determined to make Thunder Bay in two days I figured today was going to be a big day - motel to motel, easy meals and just go all day. The weather channel shows a narrow band of clouds and showers with Ont summer in front and prairie summer behind, so I'll ride like mad in the cool weather. Stopped for a big lunch (!) and groceries in Ignace. They say when travelling to avoid stomach problems don't eat from raod side vendors but this guy's food was good and his trailer/ kitchen was cleaner than any restaurant kitchen I've ever seen. His picnic tables with tents and flower baskets made it a great place to eat. He wasn't very busy due to the weather so he joined me and we chatted for a while. On and off rain started about 3:00 and became mostly full on rain until I got this motel at 7:00. I was getting worried if there really was a motel in this town as it was quite spread out along the highway and there was a burned out shell of one motel , and a closed motel/ bait store. Finally found the place and the guy said no cooking, no microwave due to Fire Marshall's order. He also said that the nearest restaurant was 2-3 miles in either direction. But he had no problem with me using my camp stove on the front stoop. Long day no matter how you look at it. Got on bike at 7:00 am got off at 7:00 pm and the motel owner quickly reminded me that we were on Eastern time therefore 8:00 pm. Almost 10 hours in the saddle, 4 of them in the rain.
OD 3424.7, 9:46:03, 195.75 km, 20.0 km/hr ave, 38.4 max